Medical research-The Egg Cycle Method

The egg “chooses” amongst several sperm. in the video below the female egg migrates from the animal pole (site polar bodies extrusion) towards one sperm then toward another one.


2. The Electricity of Love: The CHOICE Method of Gender Selection

Scientist Dr. Stolkowski’s is thought to have been at the forefront of the most accurate system yet of safely choosing the sex of your child. And using Dr. Stolkowski’s research as his base, European biologist Patrick Schoun discovered that the membrane surrounding a human egg emits a kind of electrical “charge” that attracts either the X or Y sperm. He also found that at specific times in a woman’s monthly cycle, her egg is electrically “charged” to attract either the X or Y sperm exclusively. In addition, he also noted a clearly “neutral” time in the cycle when the electrical charge surrounding an egg is totally dependent upon environmental factors.
In addition, Schoun defined the time frame which the egg is electrically charged one way or the other can range from one to ten days in a calendar month and can change from month to month. So, for example, in January you may have ten consecutive days on which your egg is charged in a way that attracts the X sperm, while in February, you may have only three days when this occur. So, by coordinating your most fertile time, (the six days before ovulation) with the days when your egg is attracted to either the X or the Y sperm, you can plan sexual relationship to coincide with the conception with either a boy or a girl.

3. Selna Method

A scientific variant of the gender calendar works on the basis of the energy of both the egg and sperm and this energy varies according to a specific cycle. One, a study has reported a success rate of 98.7% with this method in 1994, while a 96 to 98 percent success rate was reported in 1999.
This method is affected by a woman’s menstrual cycle and will not work if the woman has taken ovulation pills or other fertility drugs. The method is not affected by any miscarriages that may occur, making the calendar reusable for the next cycle.

4. “Female control: sexual selection by cryptic female choice” by William G.Eberhard.

“Clearly there are several female mechanisms by which some sperm could be favored over others. Just as copulation does not always lead to insemination and fertilization, so sperm contact with the egg may not always result in fusion of their nuclei unless subsequent female processes are performed. Differences in the abilities of sperm from different males to trigger these processes in the egg could result in sexual selection.”

5. “Female control of paternity” by Tim Birkhead and Anders Møller.

This research says of the two components of sexual selection, female choice is much less obvious than male and hence has always been considered to be of secondary importance. However, recent field observations and new theory have brought about a radical change of emphasis. It now appears that although an egg’s choice of the sperm that fertilizes it often occurs in a subtle manner, it may be widespread and take place through a variety of mechanisms including the selection of sperm by the egg within the female reproductive tract.’s+research&source=bl&ots=EiQYgsNf3d&sig=


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