
Please fill in the information in the questionnaire as accurate as you can.
The more information you give, the higher your success rate.
The data is key to checking if you are suitable for this method.

Choose the desired gender of your future baby

Do you have regular menstrual cycle?
When periods (menstruations) come regularly, this is called the menstrual cycle a cycle is counted from the first day of one period to the first day of the next period. The average menstrual cycle is 28 days long. regular menstrual cycle is between 25-35 days.
The date of your last three menstrual cycles (the date of the first day of your period)
Do you use any birth control?
The age you received your first menstrual cycle in your childhood:
Do you have other children?
Let us know in the Notes at the bottom, if there was anything unnatural in these pregnancies, for us to get a better read of your body cycle according to the Egg Cycle Method

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